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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Peer assessment

From my peer assessment it was advised that I included more images to my blog to increase the visual interest and have some breaks from the large chunks of text. This is something i'm going to work on in the future and when appropriate, include more relevant images.
Another improvement I was given was to include more socially friendly apps to make the blog more appealing and take advantage of the blogging apps. This is something I was interested in and thought it was a good way to adapt my blog to make it more fun and friendly, therefore I added some blogger 'gadgets' and apps to not only maintain interest in my blog but also make the viewer feel more welcome. I added a recent comment section as well as a search box and small welcome message.
The peer assessment showed that the good qualities of my blog were the detail in my text and easy to read layout. The assessor also commented on the fact I had regularly updated my blog. 
As part of the task I had to assess the blog of someone in my class. I thought this was useful as I was able to see how other people had decided to layout their blog and what features they had included. I similarly suggested improvements the blogger could make to their work, but also brought to attention the positive aspects of their blog. 

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