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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Analysing a magazine article

Now Magazine 
The article I have chosen to write about is “How to get my fave fashion look” in Now magazine (p.76). With this article the magazine ensures it will be appropriate for it’s target audience by using suitable, colourful images of products that are targeted at the audience.
Throughout the article the images and text inform the audience about different products which are new on the market and are currently recommended. This ensures the article meets the needs of the audience because the magazine is largely focused on fashion and beauty.
The magazine also ensures this article meets the needs of it’s target audience by using feminine colours within the layout and feminine fonts. The majority of the text in the article is either in pink (a feminine colour), white or black.. This shows the article meets the needs of the audience as it gives a feminine feel.
The article is placed on a double page spread and on the opposite side from the images is a celebrity interview featuring a large celebrity / fashion icon. The interview talks again about fashion and gives advise on clothes and in particular shops.
I think this shows that the magazine meets the needs of the audience via this article because the article is stereotypically about fashion, clothes and celebrities and this article includes all.

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