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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Altered Publication Plan

After looking in depth at my questionnaire results I decided to make some changes to my original publication plan. At first when I was writing the original publication plan, I wasn't certain on some of the features and general input of the magazine. However since looking at the results from my target audience, I have been able to make some further final decisions, such as the price and frequency of publication. Below you can look at my altered publication plan. Some of the information is still not final and could change, however some changes have been made. 

Altered Publication Plan

Name of magazine: Initial ideas: After studying the results of my questionnaire Fusion was the most popular choice for the name of my music magazine.

Font of name: I’m not entirely sure on the font I’m going to use however I want it to be bold and be covered slightly by one main image on the front cover.

Positioning statement: The latest and most exclusive Pop magazine in the country!

Frequency of publication: From analyzing my questionnaire data, the most common answer for frequency of publication was once a month. This made me think into more detail about my magazine, and I decided that publishing the magazine once a month would be better and easier to make the content varied.

Price: £3- This was the most popular answer in my survey.

Distribution: In chain supermarkets, WHsmiths and other leading media retailers. Not as much in corner shops and smaller individual businesses.

Rationale: (what is the thinking behind the magazine - have you identified a gap in the market?) 
I decided I wanted a magazine specifically aimed at older female teenagers. The music magazine market is currently catered for younger children especially girls, therefore I thought my target audience and magazine would fill the gap in the market. I also wanted to identify a more sophisticated approach to music rather than the other younger magazines.

Style: Gossip, easy read, informal

Regular content: Chart/ download information, Up coming events.

Feature content in your issue: Interviews with a specific, popular artist. Celebrity gossip

House style: what font will you use? Will it be the same for articles/headings/captions?
I am primarily aiming my magazine at teenage girls. Therefore the colours would be feminine. There will be no use of heavy, dark colours or ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ fonts. I 
may decide to use a different font for the title and other headings and captions.


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